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E16: Reflecting on the riots at the US Capitol, plus: Georgia runoffs, vaccine distribution & more


0:0 New intro for the besties - listen here
2:14 Sacks' trip to Miami
6:1 Reflecting on the riot at the US Capitol: police response, double standard with BLM protest, big picture, prosecuting Trump & healing the nation post-Trump
29:43 2016 Election interference, reasons for unrest & polarization, Trump's culpability
44:19 Should the 25th Amendment be invoked?
49:51 Democrats win Georgia runoff elections, did Trump's implosion lose Georgia for the GOP?
56:23 How Friedberg would handle vaccine distribution
67:45 San Francisco's Killer D.A., recalling Gavin Newsom, Kim Kardashian for Governor of CA


I'm going all in With your beak With your beak With your beak I'm going all in We'll let your winners ride Rain Man David Sack I'm going all in And it said, we open sourced it to the fans And they've just gone crazy with it Love you Westies I'm going all in Let your winners ride We'll let your winners ride Westies are gone That's my dog taking a I'm listening to your drive What are you saying?

Oh man My avatars will meet me at Westies We should all just get a room and just have one big huge orgy Cause they're all just useless It's like this sexual tension that they just need to release somehow Wet your beak Wet your beak We need to get merch Westies are back I'm going all in all right and we're back and thank you to young spielberg with the all-in 1.5 extended addition remix we're going all in that was thank you to the super fans that was really incredible actually we're back we're back thanks young spielberg yeah shout out young spielberg with us the dictator chamath palihapitiya the rain man himself david sacks is definitely an excellent driver and his dad lets him drive in the driveway and the queen of quinoa spectacular david freeberg is with us we did an emergency pod we just had all agreed we're taking a nice break nothing's gonna happen over the new year this is the down period and 2021 is gonna be delightful and simple and then all hell breaks loose we could start we could start with the vaccine we could start with the capital we could start with georgia now we have to start we have to start we have to start with the capital we have to start with the capital all right so let me just run through the series of events that occurred here there's a certification process correct sacks that goes on where the electoral college gets counted and somewhere at 10 a.m trump had a rally of thousands of supporters you were not there david correct you weren't at this he was in quote-unquote miami right i think he's in the miami hilton on pennsylvania avenue right now and he put up that fake miami background but the truth is let's be honest here um trump came out at 10 a.m and had a rally jason can we just take a step back for a second okay doesn't david sacks look like elliot gould in oceans 11 right now i mean he's so elliot gould he is a silver fox and are you i mean you were very public about being in miami over the new year you took your talents to miami and we see this background um so we can assume the dictators in his uh pool house poker room we know that freeberg's in a ritz-carlton somewhere based on the furniture he's in his ritz-carlton uh office and sacks based on your background are you in miami right now yeah are you still there i still i'm still i'm still here okay but did you meet with the mayor or not i i haven't i actually met him i did meet him i went to like a tech uh event the other night and he was there so were you wearing masks at the tech event are you wearing a mask they it was they were like no no no i'll tell you there were masks indoors and then there was like covid testing inside and then you could graduate to the outdoor patio part where people generally weren't wearing masks so were you in conversations with people with no masks on is that what you're saying at this yeah but you know everyone's been like covid testing and i'm like i'm not wearing a mask i'm not wearing a mask i'm not wearing a mask so i'm not wearing a mask and i've been tested like a zillion times and it was outdoors and you know i'm willing to meet with people outdoors you know i generally don't do it indoors but i'm yeah i'm i've said that's my policy starting several months ago can we can we rewind to april with that photo of sacks do we have it where he was in the ski mask and the goggles and the helmet and like the biohazard suit and like how things have changed he's like i'll go to miami and have a chat with someone yeah yeah you could you could you you you could definitely do uh how it started and how it's going uh split photo for it but but look you're like sharing a banana split with someone like you know like well literally on ebay and alibaba buying ventilators right for his home triage center well i mean we had people from the who saying in march that the you know that the case fate the infection fatality rate was like seven percent you know and the two big things we learned after that were number one that there was a huge distribution by age right and so somebody under 50 without comorbidities had a much much much lower risk and then also the thing we learned is that the there's maybe a 10x difference between the infection fatality rate and the case fatality rate i mean you guys know all this yeah and so so once we learned those things um i mean i you you know i think a rational person takes things like that into account i changed my policy with respect to covet you know and and now especially that we have uh you know easy access to tests which weren't available you can get tested before going into a event i have i have a question to add on to that do you own a fur chewbacca outfit and were were you in washington dc yesterday with more paint on your nipples do you have a podium do you have a neck to waist tattoo are you standing behind a podium let me hide that the the viking horns that i've got smashed away here all right listen there was a great there was a can we title can we title yesterday's event national lampoon siege of the capital i mean it was like animal house like you know yeah there was a great there was a great tweet by somebody saying this was uh this was like the storming of the bastille as perpetrated by the cast of animal house right and there was another there's another great tweet saying uh the capital now appears to be under the control of a man and a viking horn and i'm like oh my god i'm a viking mask the best one the best one was i have lost all respect for nicholas cage's ability to steal the u.s constitution apparently yeah whatever copies but all right so let's just go through the chain of events here and it was it was absolutely surreal because trump literally went out to a mob of people um and said i want you to march down pennsylvania avenue and show the gop what it takes to have courage etc mike pence uh apparently told trump that he was not going to go to bat for him in this ceremonial um process of counting the votes and lo and behold you're watching this you know the objections going on to the electoral count and you see the secret service come rushing in and it becomes a you know very serious situation and when you watch some of the videos it is truly terrorizing that thousands of people overwhelm the police and i guess i want to start with people's opinion on trump's culpability in inciting what was very dangerous behavior four people are dead um so we you know while we're joking about the cosplay outfits a woman who was an ardent trump supporter who is a vet who did four tours uh from what i've read and i shared the video with you before literally you know as they broke into the building with a bunch of people and they were like oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and i'm gonna die and she's climbing through a window and gets shot apparently by the secret service or the police and dies and so it's all fun and games until four people are dead and now somebody's lost their wife daughter no but jason jason i mean there could have been 400 dead there could have been 4 000 absolutely yeah i mean this could have become a shootout at the okay corral i can't understand why the police showed the restraint they did i mean when you see them getting surrounded so the one they didn't they didn't show restraint jason there was no police when you look at the amount of um security that's typically there and has been there for other situations and then you compare it to the amount of security knowing for a month and a half that this was coming it's um it just doesn't make any sense to me so i'm a little i'm a little dumbfounded that you know you couldn't have seen this facebook group called you know storm the capital which had tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of members in there plotting and scheming selling merchandise called storm the capital you know these guys were wearing uh printed sweatshirts that they had time to make um and nobody knew about it and nobody thought to reinforce um the security and barricade it and make sure that you couldn't go from the protest site to the cat i mean i it just seems like there's some level of complicity that needs to get found out here but there was a there was an interview i saw with an ex-dc police guy who said that um i think folks were told to tamper down uh the police forces were told to tamper down on managing crowds and protests and riots following the controversy associated with blm a few months ago and spraying folks with pepper spray and water and all the physical techniques that were used were so um outraging that that there was just more of a systemic concern about being too aggressive with protesters and as a result they went too far the other way uh it's it's not it just happens to be friedberg that when black people protested and brown people they got the tear gas and beaten with batons and then when the white people uh stormed the the the capital in the same area they got the tear gas and then when the white people stormed the the the capital in the same area they got the tear gas and then when the white people stormed the the the the black people stormed the the the black people stormed the the the black people stormed the the black people stormed the the uh walked down the steps and escorted out with a stern warning to not do it again i mean this is hypocritical and insane i i i don't know why you have to go there particularly um it it looked to me like what happened is that the capitol hill police simply got completely overwhelmed uh you look at these you know giant this is a rally on the mall that turned into a mob well first it's kind of turned into a tailgater then it turned into a mob and then it turned into a mob and then it turned into an insurrection it kind of stumbled forward into progressive uh phases of uh stupidity of stupidity and disaster but it's it looked to me like the capitol hill police simply got overwhelmed they they obviously were unprepared they were surprised i think by this and i saw a video of tons of tear gas being used i saw people getting tear gas like crazy and i think there was reports uh this morning on twitter that the whole area in front of the capitol there was covered in that light film that was remains after tear gassing so i don't think they were really pulling punches too much and i also think that uh that there will be prosecutions i think that uh these people were captured on video there's a lot of talk on twitter and everybody is in favor of finding out who they are applying facial recognition and uh bringing charges so i think there will be a lot of charges unlike let's say the the blm protests this summer i don't remember anybody getting charged based on video of people rioting or looting and then i think you know the the the final difference actually with the blm protests is that if you've watched fox news at all in the last 24 hours the condemnation of what of the storming of the capital of what happened has been across the board both right and left everybody across the political spectrum has condemned it nobody is apologizing for it nobody on the right is looking for root causes to explain the reasons why it happened and everybody is just condemning it and saying that it should never have happened and the people who did it should be prosecuted and uh so i don't see any kid gloves here being used um you know i'll tell you where i see the kid gloves sacks is when you see officers being chased up the steps and uh or taking selfies you know which is one instance i don't want to just say that's the only indicative thing but when people are breaking through windows and just kind of being let go i mean they were obviously not being let go and they were obviously not being let go and they were obviously overwhelmed but i'm surprised more people didn't get shot chamath let's just tackle this head-on in terms of the race issue but i haven't well i have a i have a question for david before i make my statement david okay do you think that if this were black and brown people storming the capital would there have been more or less than four deaths honestly i think it would have been the same i just uh disagree you know i disagree i i really disagree and i'll tell you why um i think you have the best of intentions wanting to think that way but here's the way i see it i see a president that basically instigated a group of people who are fundamentally disenfranchised let's face it like there are there are a lot of very very reasonable republicans and a lot of very reasonable democrats the fringes of both parties are functionally mentally retarded we know this okay and so what you see are extreme on both sides who are just completely lost and looking for any excuse and so you have a president in the tail end of his presidency an anonymous presidency basically call them out nobody who actually had a job or anything to do could show up right so you had all these people show up it's a wednesday yeah it's a wednesday during the day i mean and what do you think happens they're there they're all frothed up you know um eric trump frothing them up donald trump jr frothing them up trump frothing them up juliani frothing them up and all of a sudden as you said stumbling into degrees of of craziness and stupidity to storm the capital and i just think to myself how could a president instigate this kind of action number one the second thing i think about is when black athletes peacefully protested something that they had the fundamental constitutional right to protest in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's what's going on in the president's seat and i think that's I think that beyond the persecutions of the people, I actually feel very bad for the people that stormed the Capitol, I feel like these are folks that are on the fringes who just need a vessel and Trump is a vessel and then he instigates them and runs away.

You know what I mean? He's a coward. He's lost. And these are lost people that these guys commit the crime and now they're going to go to jail. I feel like the the culpability has to go all the way back to Trump to Holly to Cruz. These guys are the those are the real scumbags in all of this.

Freebird, what are your thoughts on this? And then I'll go back to Sacks and let him respond. Yeah, I don't I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that if this was a Black Lives Matter, and it was black people. Involved or brown people involved in in the same sorts of activities you saw yesterday that you would not see more shootings.

I don't think that's an unreasonable position to take. Obviously, I think there's this other circumstance, which is that event preceding this one. As I mentioned, I saw an interview with a DC police, former police director, director of the police or some I forgot what his title was, where he highlighted that, you know, folks were kind of instructed to stand down following the BLM controversies.

And so I don't think that's an unreasonable position to take. I think that's also kind of a reasonable point of view. And it's about the president's culpability. I mean, I think that's one issue that's gonna have to be addressed post. And I think we have to figure out what life post Trump is going to be like, because this is a level of chaos that nobody to Sax's point, all people condemned.

Yeah, there's a there's a there's a theory, which actually takes its origin from from Hitler, where Hitler used this term, the big lie. And, you know, the theory is that you can create political propaganda by saying something that's so outrageous. It is so improbable that people say there's no way this thing keeps getting said over and over unless it's actually real.

And this is sort of like the QAnon pedophile ring in the pizzeria, or the fact that the election was stolen from you. It is such an outrageous statement that that it seems to people that it only has to be true. Because it is it is such an insane thing.

And if it is, it's so insane. And I'm so incited by this thing. So this is kind of, you know, acknowledged as being, you know, a political propaganda technique that goes back a long time. By the way, Hitler used it as a way to use it as almost like a double bluff to blame the Jews in in Germany, which was, you know, an unfortunate kind of origin of the term.

But but the term is used a lot now and saying, like, these sorts of events are ridiculous. Now, what's going to happen going forward? I don't think big lies go away. You can try and mute them on Twitter and meet them on Facebook or mute them on Reddit. But whether it's QAnon or whatever is next, this is becoming kind of a standard form now because of the way media is distributed.

Anyone can say a big lie and it gets a lot of listeners. And Trump is totally culpable for that. He made some shit up. He made a bunch of claims. I mean, if you guys haven't seen Lindsey Graham's speech yesterday, it is absolutely ridiculous. And you know, he's got a bunch of fake news stories.

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