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How To Deal With Lifestyle Creep (Save More Without Sacrificing Enjoyment)


- I think something a lot of people struggle with is what's a reasonable amount? How do you know that you're saving a reasonable amount and not spending too much? - This is the hard part with retirement planning in general because you don't know what inflation is going to be in the future, what financial market returns are gonna be, what interest rates are going to be, how your income is going to change over time, if any other life events are going to impact you.

You have this savings rate you think is going to be there forever, but then you need to take those savings and use them for something 'cause life gets in the way. I think then you kind of turn the dials up depending on how well things are going for you.

Personal finance, people always talk about lifestyle creep. This is the biggest enemy is lifestyle creep. As you make more money and your career progresses, I think you should introduce a little lifestyle creep, but have the savings creep up too, right? So have it be a certain percentage of your income.

So if your income goes up and you're still saving a similar percentage, your savings will go up as well, right? So your spending and your savings should both go up commensurately. I think that's a good way to give yourself some benefits of your fruits of your labor, but also increasing the savings over time.