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Leonard Susskind: Black Hole Image is Astonishing | AI Podcast Clips


(gentle music) So what do you think of the recent first image of a black hole visualized from the Event Horizon Telescope? - It's an incredible triumph of science. In itself, the fact that there are black holes which collide is not a surprise. And they seem to work exactly the way they're supposed to work.

Will we learn a great deal from it? I don't know, we might. But the kind of things we'll learn won't really be about black holes. Why there are black holes in nature of that particular mass scale and why they're so common may tell us something about the structure, evolution of structure in the universe.

But I don't think it's gonna tell us anything new about black holes. But it's a triumph in the sense that you go back 100 years and it was a continuous development, general relativity, the discovery of black holes, LIGO, the incredible technology that went into LIGO. It is something that I never would have believed was gonna happen 30, 40 years ago.

And I think it's a magnificent structure, magnificent thing, this evolution of general relativity, LIGO, high precision, ability to measure things on a scale of 10 to the minus 21. So yeah. - So you're just in awe-- - Astonishing. - That we-- - Just in awe. - This path took us to this picture.

Is it different? You know, you've thought a lot about black holes. How did you visualize them in your mind? And is the picture different than you realized it? - No, it simply confirmed, you know, it's a magnificent triumph to have confirmed-- - Confirmed. - A direct observation that Einstein's theory of gravity at the level of black hole collisions actually works is awesome, it is really awesome.

You know, I know some of the people who were involved in that. They're just ordinary people. And the idea that they could carry this out, I just, I'm shocked. - Yeah, just these little Homo sapiens. - Yeah, just these little monkeys. - Yeah, got together and took a picture of-- - Slightly advanced limers, I think.

(laughs) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)