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How to Regain Your Joy in Christ


0:0 Intro
0:43 Hidden Blessing
1:27 Cast all your cares on Him
2:14 Go to church
2:57 Conclusion


(upbeat music) - We're back with Ray Ortlund, our guest on the Ask Pastor John podcast, as John Piper is on a writing leave right now, working on his next book project. And Ray, as you know, our greatest problem is sin. We deserve God's judgment, and Christ has come to pay that penalty and to set us free eternally.

But there's so many other benefits to this salvation that we now enjoy in Christ. How does the gospel apply to the ever-returning anxieties and insecurities and the frettings that we experience in the Christian life? In those times, where do we go to regain our joy in Christ? - Well, I would say, first of all, Tony, there is a kind of hidden blessing in looking back on my past and feeling wounded by my sin and folly.

That humbles me. It keeps me leaning into the Lord and solemnizes me and warns me about my own potential for sin. So I'm grateful for that. But on the other hand, there are, as you suggest, anxieties and frettings and so forth that are not of the Holy Spirit. And the Lord does not want us to bear those burdens.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is 1 Peter 5, 7, "Cast all your cares on him, for he cares for you." And the original text suggests the idea that if it matters to you, it matters also to him. He does not despise us for the many things we find hard to bear.

He doesn't tell us, "Buck up." He invites us to cast it on his broad shoulders so that he bears it for us. Now, Tony, when I think about how does that actually happen for me? I mean, it doesn't happen enough. I'm not very good at trusting the Lord. But what gives me traction to get free at heart, to trust in the Lord and rejoice and get my eyes off myself and my problems and so forth?

The best strategy for me to regain peace and confidence is to go to church. I worship with my church. I see the people in my church. They're oxygen to me. And just by being there, they help me to feel afresh that Jesus is enough. And then, of course, they have problems too.

And I become more aware of that. And that matters to me. So I start to think about them and care about them. And they matter, every single one of them, wonderful people. So at a number of levels, I have found, Tony, that my most effective strategy or remedy for battling through to confidence and joy, certainly not vegging out in front of TV, but going to my wonderful church and just enjoying the Lord with my friends.

So seriously, from 10.30 to noon, every Sunday morning is my happiest and most sane moment in the whole week. And I find in the wonderful presence of the Lord there in that gospel culture, I am lifted in my heart to believe the promises of God again and get happy again.

And I get fresh legs for the next challenge in life, even as I also have the privilege of imparting strength to others. - Wonderful, what a beautiful way to end this week. Thank you, Ray. And as we break for the weekend, you can look back on the episodes from the week and you can search our archive of hundreds of episodes all in our new landing page.

You can go to At the top of the page, click on the tab that says More, and then click on Ask Pastor John. Feel free to take some time this weekend to search our collection of episodes and get familiar with what's in the archive. May you experience this joy-restoring, anxiety-relieving time with God's people this weekend as we gather together for worship.

I'm your host, Tony Reinke. I'll see you on Monday. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)