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Judea Pearl: Advice for Students | AI Podcast Clips


- Do you have advice for young minds today dreaming about creating, as you have dreamt, creating intelligent systems? What is the best way to arrive at new breakthrough ideas and carry them through the fire of criticism and past conventional ideas? - Ask your questions. Really, your questions are never done.

And solve them your own way. And don't take no for an answer. If they are really dumb, you will find out quickly by trying an arrow to see that they're not leading any place. But follow them and try to understand things your way. That is my advice. I don't know if it's gonna help anyone.

- No, that's brilliant. - There is a lot of inertia in science, in academia. It is slowing down science. - Yeah, those two words, your way, that's a powerful thing. It's against inertia, potentially. Against the flow. - Against your professor. - Against your professor. - I wrote the book of why in order to democratize common sense.

(laughing) In order to instill rebellious spirit in students so they wouldn't wait until the professor get things right. - So you wrote the manifesto of the rebellion against the professor. - Against the professor, yes. (laughing) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)