One night we had childcare set up and instead of going out to a nice restaurant, going to have drinks, I think we actually snuck back into the house and just hung out watching TV and eating pizza and going to bed early. We just didn't even go out. And I don't even remember whether we told anyone that we were still in the house.
I think they thought we left and we were in the basement in the office. I can't remember what we did exactly, but a date night does not have to be fancy. It's whatever you want it to be. I think it's just important to make sure, especially as you have kids, to just get out and have some time for you because that's something that I've talked to a handful of friends and they just lost that.
And when I've encouraged people to bring it back, it was really awesome. And even tell their kids, "Hey, it's important for mommy and daddy to have some time together also." And they understand that. And I imagine someday we're going to be like, "Hey, do you guys want to plan something?
You plan whatever we're doing for date night and we'll report back. We'll take pictures.