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David Friedberg Explains How Scientists Can Best Become Founders


James Sinca asks, How can scientists best become founders? I think the biggest challenge that scientists face when trying to build businesses is shifting from a research and discovery mindset to a product and customer mindset. This becomes a very different mindset because it's all about iterative response to the market and absolute truth doesn't necessarily rule the day like it does in science, you have to listen to customers who sometimes might not want the most rational or the most obvious thing.

And so then iterating your business to find product market fit is the necessary role of a founder, but it's often different than the scientific process of discovering absolute truth. One way scientists can be successful is to think about product market fit as a discovery process and using the iterative or the scientific method to try and get to that.

And I have seen scientists shift to that kind of call it engineering mindset using the scientific method to try and find product market fit.