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GSP teaches Lex Fridman how to street fight


In a street fight, I would rather fight Francis and Gannoune and fight Bas Ruton. In a street fight. Yeah, so very often people ask me the difference between a street fight and a fight in mixed martial arts. The difference is in the street there is no referee. And there is an instigator and there is the other person.

The best in life for a street fight is always to not be the instigator because you have the element of surprise. So if you're in a heated argument with someone and then you feel that you potentially going to be in a fight, the best thing to do is to never show your center line.

To always go on the side and put your hand up like this. That's one of the best things to do. It's a self-defense tactic that is used all around the world. Because from there, the distance that I have to travel to cause a lot of damage to him is very minimal.

You know, it's very short. You know, I can go boom, I can go boom, and I'm protected because if he ever tried to do anything, my hands are already up. But I'm ready to respond at any aggression. So the first thing is if you're in an argument and you feel the heat is rising, is to eat first.

You don't want to fight, but you want to eat first. You want to hit first, you know. So it's either boom, hit first. Depending on the situation, if you're someone who's much less physically strong than the aggressor, you can use it in the eyes, in the genitals, in the neck, you know, and then you can leave the scene.

However, if I'm like this and the minute he touches me, he declares war. Now I can go and perform a self-defense move. Striking, not wrestling. Yes, yes. It's always striking first and leave the scene. If you're, for example, a kid or someone who's not as physically, doesn't have the physical strength of your aggressor.

Of course, I'm a UFC champion, so that does not apply to me. But the key is on a tactical, we always use the element of surprise. And when you strike, strike first and strike to cause the most damage as possible. The eyes, you can use the neck and do the genitals.

And then after you can leave the scene. That's the gold of having the element of surprise. Okay, you were talking about knives. Yes. What about weapons are involved? Run faster? So weapons is very important. If someone has a weapon and attack me for having my money, I give him my money.

Even if I'm just St-Pierre and I'm UFC champion. However, someone put a knife on my throat here and he's telling me to go in the trunk. I don't want to go in the trunk because I know it might, I've seen this movie and it's a bad ending. So things that I can do first, it's always make sure that I try to make my hand as close as possible as the weapon.

And I try to be as close range as possible. If he's here, I cannot do it because the distance is too far. If he's here, that's idea. So I can act like I want to... Look scared? Yeah. Please, please, please. Boom. So here I use my body and then I can go and break.

So the idea is to use your entire body to deflect the weapon. So if the weapon is like this and the blade is coming out this way, I use the element of surprise. I use my body not only grabbing him like this. So if he tried to come back with the knife, it's solid.

Then I can go and break. If the blade is pointing the other side, it's same thing here. Here I can use my body always to smother the weapon. And join the rest. Yeah. But if it's out here, it's true. If it's out here, you know, and yes, exactly. It's too, there's too much distance.

You want to make sure you get close to the weapon because that's what can cause the most damage. This is very important. There is other situation. If the opponent, let's say you're a kid or someone come grab you by the body here, you grab him by the body. What I can do is grab the head and put my fingers inside the eyes.

Will make my opponent to release me immediately. Then I can go and leave. Like Tom? Yeah, Tom in the eyes. You push in the eyes. The blind him. There is no rules. The eyes is always my favorite choice to go for, because if you cannot see, it's very hard to fight.

And normally the reflex for most people, when they can't see, they grab their eyes, you know, so it released the grip. I'm not going to ask you about the tie because I think you're wrong. I think it's possible. So like if you, it's possible to use it as a same as for like a head snatch, like this kind of situation.

It's supposed to choke. I think it could be an advantage if it's a fake tie. If it's, if it's like something that can go like, like a reptile, that like a tail of a reptile that can go. So if you try to pull my tie, it goes on. And now I know I get a head start.

Element of surprise. Exactly. It's all about the element of surprise. You want to strike first the element of surprise in this street. George, thank you so much for talking today. My pleasure. Thank you for looking sharp. Men in black, baby, men in black. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.