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E3: Modern Cold War, pandemic politicization & more with David Sacks & David Friedberg


0:1 Jason & Chamath intro David Sacks & David Friedberg
1:15 Everybody gives their quarantine update: Sacks is in Mexico while running Craft remote, Chamath got a new poker table & is excited for shelter-in-place to end, Friedberg is getting back into a rhythm
8:4 Chamath & Sacks reflect on the coming return to normalcy & politicization of the virus
12:41 Sacks on 3 major data-driven discoveries about the virus
15:54 Friedberg on fatality rate data, overestimating the lockdown's impact on stopping the virus
19:32 Getting back to work
21:5 Chamath on the stock market not reflecting the economy, Sacks on what an economic recovery might look like
28:0 Friedberg on potential of another NYC-level outbreak, Chamath on negative impact of left/right culture war
34:5 Sacks on democratic hesitation to end lockdowns giving Trump a strategic advantage, Friedberg on Hydroxychloroquine's benefits/risks
37:57 Sacks on potential resorting of the Bay Area & Silicon Valley due to remote work
41:51 Chamath on benefits of working remote, why San Francisco might lose large numbers of people
45:18 Tesla/Fremont situation a microcosm for politicization of the pandemic, benefits of people starting to distrust inept bureaucrats
49:33 Chamath on the beginning of the modern Cold War, dealing with market conditions considering China's standing in the world, ideological issues
53:46 Sacks on US/China relationship, how US can penalize China
59:25 Friedberg on how US can leapfrog China in manufacturing by using modern, automated solutions


Hey, everybody. Welcome to the All In Podcast with Jason Calacanis and Chamath Palihapitiya. We record this podcast, well, on a really unique schedule, Chamath. What's our schedule right now, whenever we feel like it? Basically, it is whenever our significant others get so sick of us that they kick us off and say, don't come back.

Yeah, we get thrown to the pool house. We decide to pop up the podcast. You're in Atherton. I'm in the city in San Francisco. Thank you, Duke of Discretion. Is there anything else you'd like to do? Tell them my address, my gate code. Gate code, off the fence. We had two guests on that people just went absolutely crazy for.

But they weren't available, so. We're just going to talk shit about them. No, we have two amazing Davids in our lives, David Friedberg and David Sachs. They are super smart, super effective at their work. Everything we're not, Chamath. We bring them back on the podcast. And we'll do a little roundtable here and talk about life in the age of corona.

So welcome back to the podcast, David Sachs. Yeah, good to be back with you. And also David Friedberg. Thank you, guys. Happy to be here. All right. Fantastic. So I just want to start off with our quarr check. How is everybody doing in this quarantine? How's everybody's mental health?

Let's start with you, Sachs. Well, as you might be able to see, we've moved our bunker to undisclosed Mexican location. And it's been great. I think it's really kind of sad because where we're at is a tourist city that would normally be at peak season. And it's just deserted right now.

All the construction stopped. Normally, you see lots of hotels and houses being built, and that's all stopped. And there's no tourists. So it's all just... It's kind of cleared out. But I think it's quite safe. Every worker that I've seen here since we landed at the airport got transported to the community we're at has been wearing a mask, much more consistent than I think in the US.

And I think it's been fine. Now, of course, you founded the Kraft Venture Capital Firm. And people know before that, you obviously did Yammer and sold that to... Microsoft for a billion dollars plus. And before that, you were the COO at PayPal. What's going on with your business? Are you actively investing?

And how is your firm running remote? It's worked very well. I mean, we've always been super collaborative as a firm. We were already on Zoom and we share everything on Yammer. And so for us, just moving to Zoom wasn't that difficult. We've done four or five deals, I think, since the whole quarantine started.

I'm sorry. Did you say that you actually use Yammer now in 2020? We're still using it. Oh, my God. Is Yammer still available? That's insane. I mean, it's kind of gone a little bit buried inside of Microsoft, but you can certainly still get it. And no, we love it.

I mean, the whole firm kind of works in Yammer. And it works very well for us. And now what's going to happen with this incredible office that you've got? You have this beautiful office you have in San Francisco in commercial real estate now that are you going to come back to work?

We saw Twitter and Square, the Jack collection of companies. They're not going to come back to their offices. They work from home primarily going forward. What are you going to do? Well, it'll be a great asset for us in the year 2025 or something like that. No, I mean, we will eventually go back to work there.

I think that the team still likes having an office. I think the idea that everyone wants to work out of a small room and extra room in their house, I think it's probably a little overrated. I think people would like to get back to the office. But do we have to have one?

No. I mean, I think we've proven that we can do our jobs via Zoom. And we've done a lot of, like I said, we've done four or five deals since this started where we haven't met with the entrepreneur in person. It's all been done via Zoom. And it's worked great.

All right, Chamath, how are you doing? How's your mental health like? I get to see you once in a while on CNBC throwing bombs. But how are you doing? I was really excited for phase two of the shelter in place to start here in San Mateo County. So that's been really good.

A new poker table that I had built arrived today, which I'll be installing after this. And what I mean by that is I'm going to be installing a new poker table I'll be installing uh you'll be supervising I'll be supervising you'll be watching as people do real work watching and um it's a beautiful table I saw the pictures of it doesn't have an infinity edge is it an infinity edge table no no no no but I'll send you a picture when it's all done but it just looks stunning um and I really want to try to organize the game soon so that I can get you guys back into the um into my little cave here yeah I am uh ready for this shelter in place to end uh I'll just be honest and uh I think that my sentiments are the sentiments of a lot of people it's uh it's really tough really really tough I I'm I'm losing all my motivation to be quite honest it is weird to not see people even and you're an extrovert uh David you're an introvert and then David Freeberg also on the line David uh how are you handling all of this I'm fine I think uh one of the things that made a huge difference for me is the uh creating a rhythm in the day because there isn't one when you kind of normally get up and you go to work and then you come home at the end of the day from work that's a rhythm and you're you kind of get kind of adjusted to it so not having that a lot of people I've been hearing are struggling with that I was certainly struggling with it having sleep issues and I sit on about a dozen boards some of which are small companies some of which have a couple hundred employees and I've been hearing pretty consistently mental health issues across all the companies uh and I think it's just been really grating on people I think it number one is that there's a lot of people who are struggling with their sleep issues and I think number one kind of says we probably do need to be together and have social space uh as David said like being in the same office people really miss that and you get a lot of value from that um I know I've been getting up every day in the last couple of weeks and going off-site going out of my house to go work uh we're actually working on another place and I have like a little office there and I go kind of work there um and so that's made a huge impact honestly on my mental health being able to do that every day so um just doing that's been helpful not everyone has that privilege but uh I think it speaks a lot to why we're going to need to go back to offices when this is all done and what do you think about what's happening with your businesses obviously you're running a a startup studio I guess would be one way to describe it where you create companies and then spin them out what's been the business interruption if any uh we have a couple of hardware and lab companies that's most of what we've done and so those operations are paused so that's been really frustrating the teams have all found ways to adjust and work from home so our companies are not predominantly software-based there's a lot of software but it's not predominantly software so it's been difficult on those uh scientists and engineers that work in a lab or in a physical environment that they have to go to to do their work uh the larger companies we have a number of food businesses that uh happen to be in the food supply chain one way or another frankly those businesses are doing fantastically well uh and there's been just this incredible success uh in the era of covid on kind of a focus on fundamentals like food supply chain efficiency availability of things that people need and we were doing a lot in the past and we've kind of benefited from that um so yeah I think uh it's kind of a mix for us but uh I think every business is bifurcated one way or another during this kind of moment of punctuated equilibrium yeah I think one thing I'd like to sort of talk about is we've had you both on the podcast early on at the start of the pandemic and I'm curious Chamath now that we're here um over two months in quarantine uh sheltering in place and a lot of information a lot of cards have turned over here right we've seen the flop I think we haven't seen the the turn in the river so to speak what is your assessment of what we were talking about you know a month or two ago and what we thought about this and what's become reality and what hasn't what are you more optimistic about what are you more pessimistic about Chamath let's start with you I think that um we will have this pandemic or this disease uh well in hand within two years and so whether it's a combination of a therapeutic end of vaccine or just a therapeutic um I just think that we're gonna kick its ass and so that's made me more optimistic um I think that the thing that's made me more pessimistic though is the return to normalcy has been sort of cut on political lines and it's been so massively politicized I mean when David talks about the fact that you know you can go to a developing country like Mexico and all of a sudden you know everybody can get around the idea of masks it's because that there's a level of common sense there that uh trumps politics and uh in the United States that just isn't the case and so what you're seeing in in this crazy way I think is sort of the center left and the left uh probably sticking very firmly to the ideology of sheltering in place and a lockdown probably on the sort of hope that it gets Trump out of office and on the other side sort of the red states I think have basically said hey uh I would rather get sick from coronavirus and take my chances than the hundred percent chance of failure that I have in my professional life if you leave me at home for another week or month or what have you um so that's been a huge disappointment of how political this whole thing has gotten and sax you've been talking about like common sense procedures sort of same question to you what you first thought and what you thought about the pandemic and what you thought about the pandemic and you had been talking about you thought an L-shaped recovery so we'll get into also the economy here but in terms of the disease what did you think two months ago that you don't think now and what do you think uh yeah well in preparation for this I kind of went through my Twitter feed to see uh what I was saying the last time I was on the pod and how well it was holding up and two months ago today I tweeted that um the pandemic that under reaction caused the pandemic and overreaction will cause the depression and I think that's kind of where we are right now um we still have this pandemic with us but now we're also potentially facing I think a potential depression because of the way we're we're overreacting we're still in lockdowns um in you know huge swaths of the of the country um and uh no one can quite understand why I mean the original reason for the lockdowns was to buy us time so that the hospitals wouldn't become overwhelmed like Italy well nowhere in the country did the hospitals get overwhelmed and we're still in these lockdowns and um and so you know I I I think that um it's it's long overdue for for it to end now at the same time you know where I agree with Chamath that this whole thing's become politicized where um you know the the people who generally want to get us out of lockdowns don't believe in doing anything you know they're not even a lot of them aren't even willing to wear masks which I think is just kind of insane um so you know where I come out on this thing is that I think we should end lockdowns but wear masks and it's very hard to find anybody you know in the in the political spectrum who who agrees with that because you know one side wants to keep lockdowns going indefinitely and the other doesn't want us to wear masks and it makes no logical sense obviously and if you think about our political system the left is so far left that the moderates on the left side don't have a place to live anymore and then on the right the conservatives which I would put you in uh the group of who were um you know looking for fiscal conservatives conservatives um they don't have a home anymore either and so the most reasonable approach is clearly to start going back to work for people who are not at risk and who wear a mask yeah I think I think there's been since the last pod that we did together I think there's been three kind of major discoveries or sets of facts that have come out of that and I think that's a big part of the reason why we're doing this because we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again um so I think that's a big part of the reason why we're doing this because we're not going to be able to do it again and we're not going to be able to do it again number one um the official fatality rate has been over which is about six percent um you know it's a very high fatality rate it's pretty scary but we now know that that's overstated by probably at least 10x um because it doesn't take into account all the asymptomatic cases or mild cases uh that just never got tested um and this is the fatality rate of people who contracted the virus right as a yes exactly uh as opposed to people whose case the the the problem with the uh it's kind of a debate between the the ifr versus the cfr the infection fatality rate versus the case fatality rate the um the problem with kind of the official cfr numbers is that only the people who got really sick or you know ever got tested and um you know freeburg was the earliest person um I know to start talking about the need for wide scale population testing and these blood serology tests and other kinds of tests to establish what the real baseline is um but regardless of like and there's been a whole bunch of different tests with different results um I you know um we don't know exactly what the true ifr is to this day but we do know it's probably closer to half a percent than to five percent so that's sort of discovery number one I think discovery number two is and we knew a little bit we saw a little bit of this from the wuhan data but now it's really clear at risk that which populations are at risk.

The data seems to suggest that people under 60 who are healthy don't have pre-existing conditions are 50 times less likely to develop or there's a 50x greater chance for those over 60 in terms of having a really bad outcome. For people under 60 who don't have these pre-existing conditions, it's just not … Yes, there's always examples to the contrary, but it's not this gigantic risk.

For two-thirds of the population, they don't have a huge risk and we're still locking them down. I think the third study, not just study, there's been studies and there's been models and then we've also seen practice, is that wide-scale use of masks or ubiquitous mask wearing is sufficient to control the virus.

To stop the exponentiality of the virus. We've seen in the Asian countries or Czechoslovakia, other places, they've been able to get the so-called R-naught, the viral coefficient, to go below one with wide-scale use of masks. We have a way to prevent the virus from going exponential that doesn't require lockdowns.

The thing I blogged about the last time I was on your show was, "Why would you use a mask?" I was like, "I don't know what you're talking about. You're talking about the virus." I was like, "I don't know what you're talking about. Why would you use a mask?" I was like, "Why would you use a mask?" I was like, "Why would you use a mask?" I was like, "Why would you use a mask?" I was like, "Why would you use a mask?" I was like, "Why would you use a mask?" The last time I was on your show was, "Why would you do this most severe thing, these lockdowns, and not do this easy thing that's just merely inconvenient, which is a mask?" Freberg, when you look at it, and you're the, I think, have the deepest science, clearly have the deepest science background of all of us.

How do you look at this pandemic, now that we're 75 days into it here in the Bay Area, and obviously this started in December, it looks like, in China? What's your take on it now? What did you get right early, and what have you changed your mind about recently?

I think, I'm actually funny, when you say that, I just pulled up the original WHO joint mission on COVID final report. The date of this report, by the way, is February 20th. There was this big thing they published, 40 pages long from the WHO, and in it, they highlighted this fatality rate estimate inside of Hubei, Wuhan, and outside of Hubei.

We knew from this data very early on that we were at about a half percent fatality rate. And then we saw all of this other stuff happen with Korea, and the Princess cruise ship, and the NBA players. Very early on, we saw all these people that were roughly asymptomatic, and we're starting to get two kind of explanations for why that is.

But from the beginning, I felt really like this is going to be a largely asymptomatic kind of spreading infectious factor. What I got wrong… What? was when we went into lockdown. I don't know, Chamath, if you remember this, when we talked the first time on Jason's, on your guys' podcast.

I asked you guys, or you guys asked me when I thought we'd be back. And I was like, oh, April 7th, we'll be back to work. And I also had a bet going with you guys. And I said, we're going to have less than 20,000 deaths in the US.

I so overestimated the effectiveness of the lockdown. And I think that was kind of, you know, one of the more kind of like striking things to me is the quote unquote lockdown. And I just sent a video to Nick. Nick, do you have it? Can you queue it up?

So basically, this is what I think has happened in the United States. Like pull this thing up. I was in Berkeley on Saturday. And I went to play, to meet some buddies. And we played Frisbee golf on campus and had a beer, some college buddies of mine. And so I'm walking around in Berkeley and there is frat party after frat party going on.

No masks. Everyone's on top of each other. You can see the video right here. I took a video of one of the frat parties. I think that's beer pong. Yeah, they're all paying beer pong. There's like girls and drinking. And people are passing around bottles of vodka. And there's no mask.

And this was the entire campus of Berkeley. And I think this is what's gone on around the country. So the belief that you could just kind of lock away the virus, I believe like, oh my God, it's so extreme. It's so draconian. We're going to shut down the world.

And this thing is going to get stopped in 30 days like happened in China. That is not what happened in the United States of America. People want to be free. People want to party. People want to live their life. They want to go to work. They want to see their friends and family.

And they're not used to being told no by the government. And so I think that's been, to me, the biggest surprise is just like how ineffective the quote unquote lockdown has been. And I think it really speaks to the need that David mentioned, which is this lockdown isn't binary.

You can't just say lock everyone down or let them all out. You've got to nuance your way to a solution, which means like masks, which means watching out for nursing homes, which means temperature checking before letting people into buildings of over 100 people, like all the stuff that I think needs to be done for this to be kind of effective at tracking and tracing.

And we can't just assume that, you know, a quote unquote lockdown is going to keep people inside and keep this thing from spreading because the frat party, as you'll see, is the perfect representation of what's really going on out there. All right, circling back around to you, Chamath, what do you think of what the two Davids sort of outlined there in terms of the path forward and how we all handicapped what was going on?

Well, I think the reality is that by hook or crook, we're going to basically exit this lockdown sooner than we think because I think people just can't take it anymore. So there's no point in having a shelter in place order if everybody's running around playing beer pong. And so it's not doing anything.

And so you might as well get the productive value of the economy going again by letting people go back to work. You know, we, and just finding some simple ways that people can look past the politics and just do the right thing. And so I think that's the reality.

And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. And I think that's the reality. It's really like, I mean, when you think about it, it's like, why is this such a big deal?

Get everything you want and just put a little bit of cloth over your face. I mean, a lot of the folks that push back on this, you know, they're better off wearing the mask. Yeah. I mean, it is pretty striking when you watch the protests and you see a bunch of people who are, you know, obviously older and obviously obese.

Those are not the people. Those are not the best looking knives in the drawer. Let's just put it that way. Not, definitely not. And- Little dull and rusty is what I would say. Well, and you know, they're carrying guns and they've never served a day in the army. I mean, it's, they're literally cosplaying Marines.

I have nothing to say about that. All I'm saying is this whole mask thing is not such a big deal. Just if you can wear a mask and get back to being productive and get back to a job, I think you should be allowed to. All right. So we had a big debate, V-shaped, W-shaped, U-shaped, L-shaped recovery.

I was in the- I'm aspirationally V-shaped, but I'm expecting a U. Sax, you were the L. And I think Chamath, you were the W, the U or the L. We've had a V. How do you explain, Chamath, what is going on in the stock market? Because you said it was the end of days.

You said this is going to be a disaster. Is it going to be a disaster? Is this the end of the days and we've got some false rebound and this V-shaped recovery is not sustainable? How do you explain this inexplainable V-shaped responsibility? There's two things to keep in mind.

First of all, the economy is completely fucked. So don't look at Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and a handful of internet SaaS companies and kid yourself. We have 30 million American men and women out of work. That is every fifth person you see walking down the street does not have a job.

What happens when lockdown ends? If the lockdown ends in June, as expected for most people, how many people are- How many rebound? Yeah. No. So look, here's the thing that we've had. We've had trillions of dollars of money printed into the system. And when you print that money into the system, which the Federal Reserve has done, it hits the asset markets and it has basically stabilized the bond market and the incremental dollar sits in the hands of an individual who must put the money to work.

Because when you look back on this, this is not, you know, this is a random person managing their 401k. The overwhelming majority of the money sits in the hands of hedge funds or pension funds or sovereign wealth funds or mutual funds. They have a job to do. And so you have to think about what is their incremental decision.

So even if the stock market made no sense on any valuation metric, the incremental dollars that they have, which they're paid to put to work, will get put to work. And so what you've actually seen is a dispersion. And what I mean by that is if you graph, the S&P 500 index versus the unweighted S&P 500 index, which basically means the first one ranks companies by market cap and gives the biggest companies more weight.

The other one ranks every company equally. There's been a massive split, a dispersion. And what it really shows is that companies that traffic in bits, so software businesses have a bid and companies that traffic in atoms have gotten completely decimated and they are literally worthless. And so when you put all these things together, the real economy is in the toilet.

There are tens of millions of men and women out of work. The earnings power of real companies that do physical things in the world are cheaper and lower than they've ever been. Meanwhile, the companies that have high velocity, high margin software driven businesses have gone to the moon. So it's unfair to look at 30 or 40 businesses that are going to be in the same business cycle as the rest of the world.

And so the real economy is in the toilet. There are tens of millions of men and women out of work. The earnings power of real companies that do physical things in the world are cheaper and lower than they've ever been. Meanwhile, the companies that have high velocity, high margin, and they're not going to be in the toilet.

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