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Hey Radicals, quick announcement that I am opening up a sale on consulting appointments here. A spring sale. A few of you have been writing me emails recently saying, "Hey Josh, when are we going to get the calendar back open?" And I'm here today to announce that yes, it's officially back open and I am running a spring sale on consulting calls.

If you would like to speak to me, if you'd like to book a private consultation with me, that is available for you here during the last week of May and the first week of June. Last week of May, first week of June for the spring sale on consulting, reduced rate, $100 off my normal rate for you.

Hopefully that will incentivize you to book now and fill up my calendar there during those two weeks. I've added 50 total appointments to the calendar for you. So try to make the times varied. Some are early, some are late, some are... try to make them widely available so they work.

Usually I get clients from all around the world, all different phone time zones, everything like that. It all works for you and is very convenient for you to book a call with me. I would love to speak with you here at the end of May and the beginning of June.

A couple of comments just on what you can expect from that. Basically it's going to be a private consultation with me. If you would like to talk about financial planning, I can help you with financial planning. What I do in those cases, I have you send me your documents in advance and I look through them and I'm ready to go to cover the aspects of your financial planning.

A lot of times people use me as a sounding board to talk about the advice they're receiving from other people, how it applies. I'm really good at that, able to do a good job of saying, "Yep, this is absolutely great advice and here's why" or "Not so great, might be good for someone else but not the best thing for you." That's a very useful function.

We can talk about any aspect of financial planning or about life. I'm an open book. You know what I talk about here on the show. You shouldn't book me if you don't listen to the show. If you listen to the show, you'll know what I'm good at, what I can talk to you about.

If you would like to book a consulting call, you can do that by going to Book the calls now. Fifty slots open during the last week of May and the first week of June. Go right now. Thanks very much. consult. Thanks very much.