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Hey Radicals, this is Joshua Sheets today. I have a quick announcement for you that consulting calls are back open and available to you during the month of April and at a reduced price. If you would like to book a personal consultation with me, go to It also works if you go to

You can book a call with me there now. These are available during the month of April at a reduced price, 20% discount off of the normal rate. So if you would like to speak to me about your personal situation, you'd like to talk about your personal financial plan, you'd like an independent certified financial planner's review of your situation, you can schedule a call with me during the month of April at

This time I have opened up a total of 100 call slots available and I've dedicated the month of April to this work. So last time I opened up 50 and I sold out of the consulting appointments in about a week and a half. So I would estimate that there should be some there for you at least for the next couple of weeks because this time I've opened up 100 slots.

So if you'd like to talk to me about anything relating to your personal financial planning, anything relating to your retirement planning, your finances, budget planning, I've done quite a lot of business consulting in these calls. I do quite a lot of tax consulting, do quite a lot of internationalization consulting.

All of these are available to you at at a reduced rate here during the month of April. These calls have not been available over the last few months. It really works best for me to bunch these calls together so I like to bunch them into a few weeks at a time.

I guess it's turned out that I've come up with kind of a spring consulting season and sort of an autumn/fall consulting season as well. This works well, well has worked well because recently we've been in baby mode and that's of course taken up a huge amount of my time and then we'll have a travel season here this summer.

So this is your time if you'd like to talk to me personally. If you've ever thought about working with me but you're not sure if I can bring you a value first, I would just refer you to the archives of Radical Personal Finance. There are thousands of hours of me sharing with you my ideas, me answering questions specifically.

Feel free to listen to the Friday Q&A shows and you can hear how I handle inquiries, how I think about things. The big reason to speak with me on a one-on-one call is a few things. Number one, you get privacy so of course one-on-one calls offer you the chance to share more personal details with me which can help me to provide more accurate information.

Usually on a Friday call I won't get into too deep of the details. I'll kind of just riff on your generalized question and then you can go back. But on a personal one-on-one call I can work with you very, very directly, very, very closely. And so I'm happy to serve you on a very personalized basis on a one-on-one call.

The way I use the time on a one-on-one call is extremely efficient. I encourage all of my clients to send me a written summary of their situation in advance of the call. I review that summary so I come to the call ready to go, prepared with ideas, prepared with thoughts and frameworks, etc.

that can help you. And so personalized attention, extended amount of time with me and I've got a pretty high rate of success. I can only think of one time where I know specifically a client has been upset but I have a vague impression that it's been at least one more time than that.

Although I can't remember the specifics of the second situation, I remember the specifics of the first. So I've got out of hundreds and hundreds of, I don't know the number, but hundreds and hundreds of consulting calls I've had two unhappy clients. So pretty good average satisfaction rate. I've got lots of testimonials from listeners and customers who've called with me.

I've lots and lots of repeat clients. Every time I open up one of these sessions, I have about 15 to 20 customers who just immediately book several calls with me because we've had such good interaction over the years. If you're looking to work with a financial planner on just a completely unbiased perspective, it doesn't get any better than this.

I don't sell any products. I don't sell anything other than just simply my advice and expertise. And so if that sounds good to you, if you'd like to brainstorm ways to progress in your career, how to 10x your income, if you'd like to brainstorm ways to speed up the results, if you'd like to analyze your business, if you'd like to look through your financial planning and do kind of a checkup with an independent financial planner.

By the way, that is a big service. I have lots of DIY customers, people who do all their own financial planning, but they'd like to talk with a professional and just make sure they're not missing anything. And so I think this is a great service as well. Sometimes clients use me to kind of check some of their other advisors out, make sure everything's going well.

And so these are all services that are available for you. If you'd like to speak to me, go to, and book a call now.