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I'm leaving to the Amazon jungle...


Hello friends. I'm leaving now to go deep into the Amazon jungle with my friend, the incredible Paul Rossly. Deep to parts of the rainforest that very few humans have ever seen. I will try my best not to get eaten by anything. The purpose of this trip is to celebrate nature at its purest and most intense, and to celebrate the work of people like Paul who have dedicated their life to protecting the jungle and the endless diversity of life that call it home.

If you want to support Paul and his work, please donate or reach out to Jungle Keepers. See the link in the description. I hope to get back in one piece and have some stories to tell, and I will also try to record a podcast with Paul when we're deep in the jungle.

I'll be offline until I emerge out. Meanwhile, no internet, no phone, no connection to the outside world. Just the raw, beautiful, immensity of nature. I am truly grateful to be alive. To have gotten the chance to live on this beautiful planet of ours with all of you, my fellow humans.

I love you all.