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What Is the Difference Between ‘Called’ and ‘Chosen’?


Abram in Chesterton, Indiana writes, "Dear Pastor John, in the parable of the wedding feast found in Matthew 22, Jesus says, 'Many are called, but few are chosen.' However, in Romans 8, 28-30, it seems that the people who are called are part of an unbreakable chain that ultimately leads to glorification.

So are the called in Matthew the same called in Romans? And what is the difference between being called and being chosen?" It's remarkable to me that Abram would ask this question now because the book that I just finished writing a few weeks ago on reading the Bible supernaturally and reading it naturally and how those fit together has a section in it on precisely these two texts and their differences.

So this was easy for me to think about because it was so front burner. And the reason I had taken it up is exactly the reason that Abraham took it up, namely that Matthew 22, 14 and Romans 8, 30 do not apparently use the word "called" in the same way.

And if they do, they contradict each other. So that's why he's concerned about this. And so I took it up as an illustration of how when you want to know the meaning of a word in the Bible, you must not assume that the use of that word by other authors besides the one you're studying will be the same as the place where you're reading.

In fact, I would stress, even the same author can use the same word in two very different ways. Now we all know this in English, and I quoted this in the book. That's why it's on my mind right now. In the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "set" has listed, I mean, examples of 464 definitions.

That just makes me wild with happiness about the English language. And the word "run" has 396 listed definitions. Now if you need any evidence that words are flexible, that's it. And it's true in the Bible as well, which means that good old Mortimer Adler in his book How to Read a Book is absolutely right to have a whole section called "Coming to Terms." And what he means is when you see a word, you don't know yet what that word means just because you're familiar with the word.

You don't know what "set" means or "run" means until you see it, or the word "rock," like "rock a chair" or "rock music." The words have to have a context. And as soon as you have discerned from the immediate context how it's being used, then you have "come to terms," and a word becomes a term with a definitive meaning in the context.

So now to Matthew and Romans. Romans 8:30 says, "Those whom he predestined, he called." And "called" is the word that Abram is concerned about. He called. And those whom he called, he justified. And those whom he justified, he glorified. So clearly, Abram's right. Paul means that all the called are justified, and all the justified and therefore all the called are glorified, which means if you are called, you're going to be saved forever.

Forever. You will not lose your salvation. God won't let it happen. You are his called. But when you go to Matthew 22, there's a parable. It's a parable of the wedding feast. A king is giving this feast, and he wants lots and lots of people to come. So he sends out invitations, and those who are invited won't come.

Unbelievable. It's just a parable of how horrible we are in turning down the wooings of God in this world. And so he says to his servants, "Go out and call," it's translated "invite," but it's the word "call" that he's going to refer to in the end. "Go call everybody you can find.

Beat the bushes and bring them in." And then his house is full of people, except there are a few in there, at least one, who has the wrong clothing on, no wedding garment, which probably signifies a lack of respect for the king and a lack of being changed by the grace that was extended to him in this invitation, and the parable ends like this.

In that place where this person is thrown, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, for many are called, but few are chosen. Now clearly, the called there are not always saved. The chosen are saved, but many are called who may not be chosen. Many are called, few are chosen.

And so what's clear is that in Matthew's terminology, the called is simply the general appeal to the world to come to the banquet, but those who come in response to this general call may not have been—now I'm going to use Paul's term—called in what theologians call the effectual way.

And we know Paul thinks this way, too. Paul knows about this. This is not—they're not theologically different here. In 1 Corinthians 1:23, Paul says, "We preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and folly to the Gentiles." So in other words, Christ crucified has been heralded to all the Jews and all the Gentiles, and they have been invited to come.

They have been called in a general way. And then he says, "But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." So there's a general call that goes out to everyone, "Come! If you believe, you'll be saved." And there's a call like the call that Jesus issued to Lazarus as he was standing before his grave when he said, "Lazarus, come forth!" And the dead man was given life by the call.

And that's the way Paul uses "call" in Romans 8. 30. That second usage is the call creates the obedience. The call creates the life, and therefore all the called will be glorified. So the lesson of how to read the Bible is different authors sometimes use the same words in different ways, and we need to base our interpretation on the immediate context, not just the fact that they use the same word.

So good and valuable. Thank you, Pastor John. And in April, we talked about the next book Pastor John is writing. We talked about it in episode number 837, a sneak peek of John's next book. We're going to break for the weekend now. What a week it's been talking about cremation, how to design and pull off a simple and inexpensive wedding.

And we talked about the best commentaries on the book of Romans. There was something for everyone. You can catch up on the week's episodes, search our archive of hundreds of episodes, download our podcast app, or subscribe to the podcast, or even send us a question of your own. Go to

On Monday, we field a question from a reader in Norway where it is illegal to spank your own children, and the state can take your kids away for it. Wow. So what is a God-fearing parent to do? I'm your host Tony Rehnke, and John Piper and I will return on Monday.