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(upbeat music) Is your California dream feeling more and more distant? You've got countless apps and influencers telling you how to do it their way. And your expert aunt who might be giving a bit too much advice. Tips, hacks, and experts are everywhere these days. But when it comes to real estate, the question to ask is, who's your realtor?

Because a California realtor is the only person who can bring your dream home. Someone who gets that buying a home is one of the most complicated and stressful things you can do, but can still make it possible on your budget. A California realtor can read the constantly shifting market and they're out in front for all of the tough stuff.

So you can get to the good stuff. So who's your realtor? Because no one cares more about helping Californians live the California dream than California realtors. - Hey Radicals, quick reminder, if you desire a personal consulting appointment at a sale price, and if you would like to do that either next week or the following, book quickly, there are 14 slots remaining.

Started with 50, we're sold out down to 14 remaining. And beginning next week, if the slots for next week are not filled, then they will fill quickly just by passing through the days. So if you would like to speak to me for a personal private consultation, please go to,, and book that today.

- Networks make it possible to share data from lots of places, like a bird sanctuary. But to make them powerful enough to deliver new opportunities at the edge, you need CDW and Aruba. CDW experts can help design and implement an Aruba Edge services platform which unifies, secures, and automates network environments everywhere so you can translate data into innovation.

I know, it's pretty cool, huh? Aruba makes visibility at the edge possible. CDW makes it powerful. Learn more at