John Street - God’s Design for Marital Union

John Street

Lawrence Wu


August 14, 2024

Note: This summary is AI generated by Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Main Points

  1. 00:00:52 Sex and marriage is a pure and very holy thing
  2. 00:15:48 Sex is not the basis of marriage, and marriage is not just a sexual relationship
  3. 00:23:55 Sex has as its primary goal the satisfaction of one’s spouse
  4. 00:36:06 God created both husband and wife with an equal ability to satisfy one another
  5. 00:44:09 Pleasure in sex is not sinful and forbidden, but assured and even encouraged within marriage
  6. 00:50:14 Sexual relationships should be regular and continuous in marriage


  1. 00:07:52 God created males and females fully and completely, and called this creation “very good”
  2. 00:16:34 Unity in marriage goes beyond just the sexual relationship
  3. 00:24:33 When you said “I do,” you gave yourself to your spouse for their fulfillment
  4. 00:36:18 No one has sole power or authority in the sexual relationship; it should be equal and reciprocal
  5. 00:45:49 Greed-oriented sex has no place in the Christian life
  6. 00:50:56 Paul outlines four guidelines for when not to have sex in marriage

Bible Verses

  1. 00:13:18 Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage bed should be held in honor and kept undefiled
  2. 00:21:58 1 Corinthians 7:3-4 - Spouses should fulfill marital duty to each other
  3. 00:41:01 Proverbs 5:18-19 - Be intoxicated with your spouse’s love
  4. 00:45:38 Ephesians 5:3 - Sexual immorality must not be named among believers
  5. 00:50:22 1 Corinthians 7:5 - Do not deprive one another except by agreement for a limited time

Practical Applications

  1. 00:27:55 Focus on giving pleasure to your spouse rather than getting pleasure for yourself
  2. 00:33:35 Take initiative to make sure your spouse is fulfilled sexually
  3. 00:37:36 Leave energy for your spouse at the end of the day
  4. 00:46:56 Avoid pornography and other forms of sexual gratification outside of marriage
  5. 00:52:59 Do not expect your spouse to do things they find repugnant in the sexual relationship


John Street’s marriage seminar focuses on presenting a biblical view of sexuality within marriage. The central message emphasizes that sex is a pure, holy, and God-designed aspect of marriage, intended for mutual satisfaction and enjoyment between spouses. Street argues against both extremes of viewing sex as dirty or taboo and seeing it as the highest form of human relationship.

Throughout the seminar, Street uses biblical passages to support his main points, drawing primarily from 1 Corinthians 7, Proverbs 5, and other relevant verses. He emphasizes that the Bible presents sex as a good gift from God, but one that should be expressed exclusively within the confines of a heterosexual, monogamous marriage. The arguments and verses are used to reinforce the idea that sexual intimacy in marriage should be characterized by mutual giving, equal rights and responsibilities, and regular engagement.

Street’s approach to marriage and sexuality is deeply rooted in biblical principles, challenging cultural norms and encouraging couples to view their sexual relationship as a ministry to each other. He stresses the importance of putting one’s spouse’s needs and satisfaction above personal gratification, presenting this as a reflection of Christ-like love and service within marriage.

Recurring Themes and Unique Perspectives

  1. Emphasis on the purity and holiness of marital sexuality
  2. Rejection of both Victorian prudishness and modern sexual liberation
  3. Focus on mutual satisfaction and giving rather than self-gratification
  4. Equal rights and responsibilities for both husband and wife in the sexual relationship
  5. Warning against pornography and other forms of sexual immorality
  6. Presentation of sexual intimacy as a form of ministry to one’s spouse

The seminar presents a comprehensive and nuanced view of Christian sexuality, addressing common misconceptions and providing practical advice for married couples. Street’s teaching style is direct and sometimes humorous, using personal anecdotes and hypothetical scenarios to illustrate his points.