John Street - God’s Design for Communication

John Street

Lawrence Wu


August 14, 2024

Note: This summary is AI generated by Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Main Points

  1. 00:00:39 Good communication in Christian marriage does not happen automatically.
  2. 00:01:17 Christian marriages are not immune from problems.
  3. 00:01:45 The myth of compatibility in dating and marriage
  4. 00:02:33 Every marriage is dysfunctional due to sin
  5. 00:03:21 Sinful nature complicates communication in marriage
  6. 00:03:51 Biblical reconciliation goes beyond conflict resolution
  7. 00:04:37 The root cause of conflicts in relationships
  8. 00:15:49 Four rules of communication for a godly marriage


  1. 00:01:51 Dating websites promote a myth of compatibility that doesn’t account for the reality of differences and sin in marriage.
  2. 00:02:40 Every marriage is dysfunctional because it involves two sinners making vows to each other.
  3. 00:04:54 Personality differences are not the root cause of conflicts; rather, it’s the passions and desires within each person that lead to conflicts.
  4. 00:09:01 Legitimate desires can become idolatrous and lead to sinful responses in marriage.
  5. 00:15:56 Permanent change in Christian life requires both putting off sinful practices and putting on godly practices.

Bible Verses

  1. 00:04:25 James 4:1 - Used to explain the source of conflicts in relationships
  2. 00:07:03 Matthew 5 - Referenced to explain Jesus’ teaching on hatred and murder
  3. 00:15:22 Ephesians 4:22-24 - Explains the process of putting off the old self and putting on the new self
  4. 00:19:59 Ephesians 4:25 - First rule of communication: Be honest
  5. 00:28:15 Colossians 3:9 - Instruction not to lie to one another
  6. 00:28:52 Ephesians 4:15 - Speaking the truth in love
  7. 00:30:52 Ephesians 4:26-27 - Second rule of communication: Keep current
  8. 00:36:51 Ephesians 4:29 - Third rule of communication: Attack the problem, not the person
  9. 00:43:12 Ephesians 4:31-32 - Fourth rule of communication: Act, don’t react

Practical Applications

  1. 00:17:55 Practice putting off sinful communication habits and putting on godly ones.
  2. 00:20:36 Speak up and be truthful in communication; avoid clamming up or giving the silent treatment.
  3. 00:22:51 Be aware of subtle forms of dishonesty in communication, such as incongruities and disguised communication.
  4. 00:28:59 Speak the truth with the other person’s best interest in mind.
  5. 00:31:59 Deal with anger as soon as possible; don’t let it linger.
  6. 00:37:28 Use edifying words that focus on the problem, not attacking the person’s character.
  7. 00:41:29 Use phrases that express a desire to understand and work through problems together.
  8. 00:46:17 Practice being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving in conflicts.


John Street’s marriage seminar focuses on the importance of godly communication in Christian marriages. The central message emphasizes that good communication doesn’t happen automatically, even in Christian relationships, and that every marriage faces challenges due to the sinful nature of humans. Street argues against the popular notion of compatibility, asserting that conflicts arise not from personality differences but from internal desires and passions.

The seminar is structured around four main rules of communication derived from Ephesians 4: be honest, keep current, attack the problem (not the person), and act (don’t react). Street uses various Bible verses to support these points, particularly drawing from Ephesians and James. He emphasizes the need for Christians to not only stop negative communication patterns but also actively practice positive ones.

Street’s approach to marriage is deeply rooted in biblical principles, focusing on personal responsibility, forgiveness, and the pursuit of godliness in marital relationships. He stresses the importance of understanding the root causes of conflicts and addressing them promptly and lovingly. The seminar provides practical applications for implementing these communication rules in daily life, encouraging couples to be intentional about changing their habits to align with biblical teachings.

Throughout the seminar, there is a recurring theme of the transformative power of applying biblical principles to marriage. Street consistently emphasizes the need for deliberate effort in changing communication patterns and the importance of viewing one’s spouse through the lens of grace and forgiveness. His teaching style combines theological explanation with practical examples, making the content accessible and applicable to his audience.